Featured collection
WHEATGRASS is a rich source of vitamins A, C and B complex as well as calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, sulfur, cobalt and zinc. It also contains B-17 known as laetrile, a destroyer of cancer cells. Chlorophyll Juice is a complete food with a molecular structure closely resembling hemoglobin in our blood. It is a natural blood-building element which serves to nourish the human organs. It also defoxifes our bodies.
* Wholesale prices available for Farmers Markets, Juice Bars and Herb Shops. Please contact us at Giasorganic@gmail.com or call us at 678-732-0284 if your company would like to purchase Wheatgrass.
3123 Main Street
East Point, Ga. 30344
Contact: 678-732-0284 or email giasorganic@gmail.com